Community Sponsorships
Since Maritsa’s first opened its doors, we have been proud to sponsor several youth sports organizations in town and surrounding areas. Please fill our the form below. We can also provide a dine and donate in lieu of sponsorships.
Maritsa’s also donates gift cards or food to several non-profit organizations throughout the year.
Interested parties may contact us for any requests by filling out the form below.
Dine and donate
EARN up to 15% Back for your School, non-profit or other cause
Maritsa’s will donate up to 15% of all sales generated by your event attendees, excluding tax and gratuity, to your organization.
Since your organization receives up to 15% of all sales, be sure to choose a date and time that is in the best interest of your cause.
You must confirm your date at least two weeks prior to your event. This will allow you and Maritsa’s time to promote the event. Please share all promotional flyers with Maritsa’s before posting.
Our manager will review your sales totals at the end of the event. A check will be mailed to your organization or you may pick it up in person.
Please fill the form below for more information.